There are no monthly fees, no upfront costs, and no contracts to use Fourthwall. Creators set their own margins. Here is how our pricing & splits work:
Additionally, all transactions have an added 2.9% + $0.30 payment processing fee (same as Shopify). You can learn more about what's offered on our pricing page.
Yes! Fourthwall works with manufacturing & fulfillment partners around the globe in the US, UK, EU, and AUS. Shipping rates are dynamically determined by the size of package and destination. We work with most major carriers and pass through the true cost of shipping. That means that you can offer low-cost, fast shipping to your fans. Most items have a delivery window of 7-10 days.
Be sure to browse our product catalog to find products that are fulfilled out of your target regions to provide the fastest & cheapest shipping for your community.
Yes! Fourthwall works with manufacturing & fulfillment partners around the globe in the US, UK, EU, and AUS. Shipping rates are dynamically determined by the size of package and destination. We work with most major carriers and pass through the true cost of shipping. That means that you can offer low-cost, fast shipping to your fans. Most items have a delivery window of 7-10 days.
Be sure to browse our product catalog to find products that are fulfilled out of your target regions to provide the fastest & cheapest shipping for your community.
Fourthwall supports many free integrations, including: